Francesco Grana: The future of the Church after Bergoglio
The last book of Antonio Grana, vaticanist at the left-leaning paper Il Fatto quotiniano, is all about its catchy title: Cosa resta del Papato. Il future della Chiesa dopo Bergoglio, “What is left of the papacy. The future of the Church after Bergoglio”[1]. All in the title, indeed, and not much is to be found in terms of contents. Yet, the book sends a signal at a time Grana describes as pre-Conclave. On page 231, we read: “Catholics have quickly gone from much enthusiasm for Bergoglio to much disappointment.” But who are these disappointed Catholics, says Grana? For certain, those on the left of the pope, Grana answers. He points out the importance of the resignation (though declined) of Cardinal Marx, who has participated in the elaboration of the reform of the Curia, a resignation which would mean that the Church is still two hundred years behind, like Cardinal Martini said before he died. Disappointment also of the liberal left: Cardinal Zuppi for example, Archbishop of Bologna, who was at the side of Grana, during the presentation of his book at the University LUMSA, in Rome.
In other words, disappointment from all who brought Jorge Bergoglio to power, who since then endure his chaotic, despotic, choleric mode of government, and who now are distancing themselves in anticipation of the unavoidable reaction against Bergoglio’s style which is going to happen at the time of the end of the pontificate.
Don Pio Pace
[1] Edizioni Terra Santa, 2021.