Auteur/autrice : Philippe de Labriolle

Du schisme

English, italiano L’aggiornamento de l’Église catholique était l’objectif que le pape Jean XXIII avait assigné au concile Vatican II. En fait, les Pères conciliaires repoussèrent […]



Français, italiano The aggiornamento of the Catholic Church was the objective Pope John XXIII had assigned to the Vatican II Council. In fact, the conciliar […]


Sullo scisma

Français, English L’aggiornamento della Chiesa cattolica era l’obiettivo assegnato da papa Giovanni XXIII al concilio Vaticano II. In effetti, i Padri conciliari respinsero gli schemi […]


A new low for French Bishops

Français, italiano Cesar did not ask that much from the the French Bishops. though it would not mind. There was a time when republican radicalism […]
